Find new inner balance
Base fasting
Nutritional experts know that base fasting can help achieve a healthy acid-base balance and thus support mental and physical well-being. Since base fasting is done over a limited period of time and does not exclude all foods, it is often referred to as gentle fasting. So base fasting can be regarded as a beneficial regimen that can help you find new inner balance.

What is base fasting?
Base fasting is about much more than just weight loss – although that is a positive side effect. In contrast to dieting, base fasting offers a gentle way of bringing balance to the body. It does so by establishing a balanced environment for a healthy metabolism.
Base fasting permits almost all foods that the body metabolises as alkaline. These include varieties of fruit and vegetables such as bananas, pears, dried fruit, cauliflower or potatoes, many types of nut and most herbs. Drinks such as herbal teas and mineral water are also allowed. Our food table provides an overview of which foods are alkaline.
What exactly happens in the body during base fasting?
Too much acid in the body slows down the energy-yielding metabolism. This leaves us feeling tired and exhausted. It is precisely this imbalance that base fasting aims to counteract. The goal is to consciously reduce the intake of foods that are metabolised as acid. Or, to put it another way: removing things that put strain on the body frees up space for feeling more energetic and at ease. Other positive results may include a change in how the body feels or a heightened sense of taste. For some people, base fasting helps them learn to actively enjoy their meals.
Base fasting – when, how long and how often in a year?
There is no straightforward answer to the question of how long and how often we should engage in base fasting. After all, every person and every life situation is different and unique. In principle, however, we believe that base fasting is a good idea whenever you feel you are getting too much or too little of certain things.
Of course, a feeling of discomfort can have physical and mental origins or both. Something is out of equilibrium, and now the task is to restore inner balance. Conversely, regular base fasting can also proactively ensure that the acid-base balance is maintained.
Did you know? The motivation to improve things is particularly high at the beginning of a new year, making then a great time to start base fasting. As a rule, this gentle form of fasting is recommended for a period of two to three weeks.
Base fasting – who can and who should not?
During the first few days of base fasting, it is recommended you keep strenuous activities and sports to a minimum. This makes the transition easier for the body. Accordingly, you should give adequate thought to this “rest period” for your body. Some people include strict fasting days with only alkaline-rich drinks. But this is not a must, and is certainly not the ideal approach for everyone. Anyone who is unsure should consult a nutritionist or a doctor.
Who actually invented base fasting? The concept comes from the alternative practitioner Sabine Wacker, and her Wacker method® promises not only physical health but also mental vitality. In principle, this method is suitable for everyone. And since base fasting generally avoids animal protein and grains, it is also suitable for people with allergies.
We have put together a varied collection of alkaline-rich recipes for all those who would like to try base fasting. Basica® is available in a wide range of formats and offers effective support during base fasting.